
What is mental health?


Mental health includes our physical, emotional, psychological, relational, spiritual and cultural wellbeing. It can affect the way we think, feel, act, make decisions, relate to others and God, and how we handle stress. It can also vary over time and across circumstances. It is normal for everyone to have good days and bad days. On good days, we may feel like we are flexible and can adapt to many different stressors and life circumstances such as school, work, relationships, and/or how we feel about ourselves. However, on bad days, we may feel like we can’t cope with stressors and feel overwhelmed and/or stuck. Sometimes, these variations in wellbeing can change from hour to hour or day to day, and can last for weeks, months, or longer. In other words, there is a mental health continuum. Everyone falls somewhere on the continuum and our mental health can move in either direction throughout our life. At SFSG, we believe that we should love our neighbors (people impacted by mental illness) as ourselves, and this includes mental wellness. (Mark 12:31 NIV)

SFSG Training

SFSG is committed to providing mental health training that combines actionable advice with real-world experience, and compassionate care. Click the button to check out resources available to individuals, schools, and churches

Training Resources